Supporting helpers on the frontline

Groupworks International provides vital therapeutic group training and supervision to organisations working with populations made vulnerable through violence and trauma, strengthening staff teams and countering burnout.
Working in traumatic situations of violence and conflict renders frontline workers vulnerable to secondary/vicarious trauma, burnout and exhaustion. Not only a crippling internal burden on the individual staff member, this can take its toll on an organisational level and ultimately impact negatively on the care beneficiaries receive.
“Groupworks has helped us develop skills on self-care and managing secondary trauma which has enhanced our self-awareness, improved our work with beneficiaries and helped us to maintain a healthier work/life balance.”
Pauline Njagi
Psychosocial Counsellor, Refugee Consortium Kenya
“Groupworks helped us to create a therapeutic space for persons to meet as individuals and to think as a group: A space for survivors of torture to heal from their trauma and a space for psychologists and social workers to reflect on their work and restore themselves.”
Gabriele Reiter
Directrice, OMCT Tunisie
“Migrant Help asked Groupworks to facilitate two support groups for our frontline advisers. The feedback from participants was excellent and the work has had a lasting positive impact for those involved.”
Fiona Stephens
HR Director, Migrant Health, London.